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No Language is Foreign to us

Looking for a translator or a sworn (notary) translator? You are on the right website! Sworn Translators’ Office LYNX provides fully professional translations including ordinary translations, sworn translations and interpreting services in more than 30 languages. Highly qualified translators, competitive prices and guaranteed confidentiality – see our offer for more details.

You are invited to see our offer.


No matter what kind of text you wish to translate, technical, specialist or just a website text, the translators of Sworn Translators’ Office LYNX will provide you with the translation service professionally, reliably and on time. We translate texts in more 30 languages of the world. We are engaged in specialist translations in different fields, including:

  • medicine
  • chemistry
  • information technology
  • law
  • business
  • technology.

We place emphasis on substantive correctness and suitable terminology to ensure as reliable translation as possible.

Every received text is evaluated before accepting the order. This way we are able to estimate the time necessary to provide translation and the price which is estimated depending on the level of difficulty